Posts in Food

Children with Down's Syndrome can have problems with their digestive system, and can have a slower metabolism (burning off calories at a 10-15% slower rate when exercising i.e. a lower resting metabolic rate of 10-15% )

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Attitude, Development, Health, Values, FoodLiz
A slice of that

I love looking at photos of your pies @chefcalum; I get lost in the beauty of them! You are leading the way with your talent and innovation and we were all honoured to have a slice of that. 

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Attitude, FoodLiz
Reaching out for food

Until now we have put a hard munchable e.g. a carrot stick or a crisp on the tray but she wouldn’t pick it up herself so we would pass it to her. It’s amazing to think she’s made the connection to picking it up now. 

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Development, Speech, FoodLiz