Reaching out for food


I was delighted when Coraline reached out for a Kevin-approved organic crisp on her own from the tray for the first time, on 13 June, aged ten months! 

She’s in her special tomato sitter with tray lent to us by her speech therapist to give her support. Her speech therapist told us to try her on the crisp as a “bite and dissolve solid”.

On the Developmental Food Continuum it goes purées, hard munchables for exploration (getting used to sensations in the mouth) and then bite and dissolve solids. Until now we have put a hard munchable e.g. a carrot stick or a crisp on the tray but she wouldn’t pick it up herself so we would pass it to her. It’s amazing to think she’s made the connection to picking it up now. 

Development, Speech, FoodLiz