Medical coverage
I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s is:
“What medical coverage does Coraline receive?”
We don’t have private medical insurance as our National Health Service (N.H.S.) covers all our needs.
When I think about this, I realise we are very lucky. Coraline receives the following from the N.H.S.:
Portage (home visiting educational service), fortnightly until age three
Physiotherapist, seen monthly
Speech therapist, seen monthly
Audiologist, seen every six months
Cardiologist, now seen annually. Her open heart surgery in November 2018 was covered
Paediatrician, annual review
Ophthalmologist, annual eye check
Her Paediatrician has recently referred Coraline for Occupational therapy.
We can also apply to the government for Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance. I filled in long, detailed forms which require a lot of thought. We did this and receive these allowances. I recently re-applied for Mobility Allowance for Coraline as she is 15.2kg and not walking. We had applied six months ago and were rejected and found out this morning we have been granted it.
Coraline has outgrown the straps in her usual pram. Her physiotherapist referred us to wheelchair services and within about a week we had had a phonecall from them and a new pram was delivered to our door (for children up to 50kg). We have it on loan. We just need to buy the accessories ourselves (rain cover etc). Astounding! Here she is on her first outing in it last week.
We are fortunate. Thank you N.H.S. for all you do, especially at the moment. I will be really interested to hear what everyone else says in other countries.
To see what others have answered see:
Top with trendy sleeves from @vertbaudetuk . Kevin says it is Coraline’s “Popeye” top
Coraline and her musical snail