I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s question is, “What would you say to a family who has just received the same diagnosis as your child?”
I would say, “Congratulations, your baby is beautiful”.
I would listen
I would adapt to them
I would smile, with positive body language
I would say:
I’ve written you a letter: Dear Mom
Read my blog, I wrote it for you
Look at our photos, I took them for you
Look with your heart and feel with your heart
Look in my eyes, they are bright
I’d share with them my old lifecoach’s words about how Coraline would teach us unconditional love.
I’d tell them to get the book, “Down’s Upside” by Eva Snoijink, which our friends told us to get when Coraline was born (gorgeous photos of children with Down’s syndrome and a paragraph from their parents).
I’d tell them what the midwife said to us in Coraline’s first week, “you don’t need to know anything about Down’s syndrome right now, you just need to know your baby”.
I’d say to them of course there are unknowns and challenges, and that’s O.K.
And then I’d tell them all about how wonderful Coraline is.
I know this is what I would say as I was honoured to receive a message recently and it’s what I replied.
To see what others have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife
Three years old in less than a week