Top 10 feel good: 1. P.E. with Joe


So here we are just over three weeks in of self isolating! I know for me some days I feel amazing, content and productive, and appreciative of, “this is how it is, and I can do it!” Other days I have moments of feeling a bit “so-so” and I remember the streaming tears of day 11 evening! Those tears came as I was trying to do too much in terms of replicating Coraline’s usual schedule. But the second type of feeling is way less now, now that we have a rhythm going which suits us. For me the strain comes when I feel I’m not getting things done and don’t have time to get them done, but I know it’s different for everyone. And I know so many people have so many different concerns right now. I feel grateful for what we have.

I have figured out my top ten of things that keep me feeling good and productive during the current situation. I’ll post a couple each day. First one is the novel, and incredible, sensation of getting my heart rate up!

1. PE with Joe at 9am each weekday. I rate myself for energy out of ten before I start. I might be on a 3/10 and after 20 minutes I am on a 7/10. For me, doing this at the start of each day is huge and I feel amazing afterwards! Plus each day a one hour walk, stopping to examine and admire things like the blossom. And three times a week on that walk, pushing Coraline in the pram, I do “Couch to 5k”.


Photos of us on a walk a short drive from our house for Mother’s Day. This was before we switched to just doing local walks by our house past the fields and horses. It’s a good chance for me to do the Makaton sign for horse each day. #pewithjoe

Attitude, LockdownLiz