Thank you, thank you, thank you


A wonderful friend brought this card to me in the hospital so I could write it for Kevin. I wrote it to thank him for all he was and all he had done that week, quite aptly whilst he had driven home quickly to cook me a meal and bring it back to the hospital!! He is passionate about nutrition, and is a trained chef. The gratitude thing is something we love. We try to do ten gratitudes in the morning, and at the end of the day look back over all the things we are grateful for which happened in the day and choose the top one. It's amazing how this just flips you into a mindset with a glow for the day. 


I remember when I was pregnant with Coraline I did the ten gratitudes with her quietly out loud, walking up the street to the station going to work in the morning, and then also would say out loud people I was thinking of and sending love to with her (I would think of different people each day). I think that might be a Tony Robbins exercise! One of our friends recommended a book to me called, "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne which has a gratitude exercise to do daily for a month. I did them daily when I was pregnant and I felt like I was seeing differently. I used to read it on the train. I guess it's all about what you choose to focus on and, as Tony Robbins says, what you feed your mind and spirit. My personal chef takes care of the regular meals. That's the Magic! #gratitude

Benedict, from friends in the U.S.A. One doll gives ten meals to children in need #cuddleandkind

Benedict, from friends in the U.S.A. One doll gives ten meals to children in need #cuddleandkind