Latest developments



I am a little late with answering last week’s blogging question:

“We’ve had a spontaneous break from the weekly questions, what have you been up to?”

We’ve been on lots of visits and trips and to family and friends’ gatherings. I have recently been to Greece for a week with my younger brother Ed in May, and Coraline had a great fun half term week away with our old neighbours Margaret and Dave in Surrey last week.


Coraline has begun independent stepping across a room which is amazing.

We have seen that with patience beauty unfolds. Recently we had a shared moment of laughter with Coraline. She began laughing at a turtle flashcard. We don’t know why. So we laughed too. This shared laughter is something we have only known with her now that she’s four and a half years old. And it is all the sweeter for it coming now. Coraline has begun to smile and laugh recently.

My head has been in a spin with all the paperwork, challenges and uphill nature of our persistence around the proper provision of Coraline’s care. I have felt both powerless and angry and the waves keep coming. Inside I look for a different way to be and this is the life lesson coming to me. More on this tomorrow!

I feel great when things in life are going the way I want them to. Kevin says he’s looking at feeling great even if things aren’t going his way. I have loved this notion to think about. Focusing on what it is you do want; not what you don’t want. Picturing what you want as if it’s already reality.

And maybe it’s all just appearances anyway; what can seem a challenge is leading you to where you need to be.

Photo on the ferry home from a trip to see Kevin’s mum in Ireland in April