Rockin' mama community

Photo from December 2020.

Photo from December 2020.


My Monday Blogging group is answering a few questions in the run up to World Down Syndrome Day on 21st March 2021.

Q. Rockin’ mama community.

The theme for #wdsd2021 is #connect

I’ll include dads here too. We have met so many who inspire us.

From our in-person relationships at weekly local groups Get on Downs and Digbies, to the accounts of parents of children with Down’s syndrome on Instagram who we love to follow. Like the hummingbirds on Coraline’s jumper, we are enjoying the sweetness of life with them.

Then branching a little wider to our friendships with parents at Coraline’s Small Steps physio group, and at the Makaton Sign language course I took, at the BAPS SEND Blogging Awards for parents and guardians of children with additional needs, and my fabulous Monday blogging group.

Then parents at Coraline’s preschool and of course, being one of the gang in our marvellous antenatal group.

We find our niche. We gravitate to where it’s comfortable for us to sit in terms of how many online groups we are part of. To what resonates for us.