Special encounters


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. I am answering today!

“One of the beautiful things our children have brought us is the community we create with other families. What is one of the most special encounters you have had?”

“I feel like I know you,” Kirsty
“Yes I’m sure we know each other,” me.

We didn’t know each other. We had never met. But the meeting of our energies made it feel like we had. This was how we met, when Kirsty came up to me at an evening talk we were at about “choosing a school” hosted by @smallstepscharity with a panel of parents talking about their experience. Coraline goes to Small Steps weekly, to give her, and other children who require it, a little extra help on her way to walking.

This talk was on 11 March 2020. We haven’t met since but that’s O.K.. That one meeting was enough in itself.

Kirsty’s daughter Margot has Rett syndrome @projectgogo #projectgogo and in fact last month was #rettsyndromeawarenessmonth as well as #downsyndromeawarenessmonth

To see what others have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife

#raisinglittleworldchangers #ourjourney