Coraline's favourite activity


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. This Monday’s question is, “what is your child’s current favourite activity?”

Hanging out with our neighbours Margaret and Dave! This is Coraline’s face whenever she is with them and that says it all. Photo taken recently by them. We could not be more thankful for all the hanging out they do just for fun. It just shows what a difference you can make for other people through generosity of time and love!

Coraline also loves hanging out with family, cousins and friends. And playing xylophone, crawling through tunnels, singing with dad and dancing with dad (I’d love to post some videos but I think there’s copyright), dolls and teddies, throwing things around out of boxes and swaying to the radio.

Our neighbours took this photo of Coraline in early January 2020, at 29 months old. We love it and think it really captures Coraline at almost two and a half.

Our neighbours took this photo of Coraline in early January 2020, at 29 months old. We love it and think it really captures Coraline at almost two and a half.