Thoughts to words to feelings
I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. This week’s is:
“Do you think you will have to fight for Coraline to get the same rights as others?”
This question made me think immediately of Kevin’s and my belief that you can choose the feelings you create around an experience. We are aware that the words we use everyday play into the experience we are having. The words we choose lead directly to the state we feel inside.
I have heard this term or the term “battle” a lot around me in terms of how it can become as Coraline continues further in life and education e.g. fighting for the full support required at school. However, Kevin and I believe that it’s up to us how we view and experience everything. For example we could think in terms of struggle/fight/push/difficult/hard which would produce associated experiences and feelings for us each day or we could think in terms of life is working for us/as we know our goal of what we would like for Coraline clearly, we know the hands will appear to help us get there and we will get there/gratitude from us to all the authorities helping us.
That’s the energy we would put out there. Don’t get me wrong; there are times when I get stressed and overwhelmed quickly in life generally, or go into comparison and overload. However, each time I do, I know there’s a different way. And that’s the secret.
To see what others have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife
Coraline in t-shirt from grandma for her 3rd birthday