It's O.K.


I thought I’d post this which I wrote a while back but hadn’t posted up yet.

A conversation yesterday (about the importance of accepting all emotions, and allowing and honouring them, as then they move through) reminded me of it.

When Coraline was born I was in shock. I’ve since learned this is quite common.

What did Kevin do that was amazing?

He listened
He accepted however I was feeling
He didn’t pass comment on how I was feeling
He said it was O.K. how I was feeling
He said to feel what I was feeling fully
Whatever I said was O.K. to say
He was compassionate
Whatever I felt or said, the force of his love was strong, and accepting
He listened
He accepted
He let his own joy abound, and this rubbed off

He has always said how important it is to fully feel feelings. They can then pass much more easily.

Back then, from that space, my own joy rose to match Kevin’s.

Attitude, Birth, Lockdown, ValuesLiz