Reading Coraline and Us...


Last week I asked readers of this blog to complete the sentence, “reading Coraline and Us...” so I could post a couple up for Down’s Syndrome Awareness week this week.

Here’s a lovely reply from Doreen, a teacher I used to work with:

“Reading Coraline and us has made me realise joy is found everywhere and that celebrating the positive and our differences brings so much joy to so many diverse people. Your blog has been poignant, heart wrenching but so, so happy and has brought understanding to so many people - many may not have met the amazing wee lass Coraline or her stupendous parents but all three have warmed their hearts through the blog. Thank you for sharing, and continuing to share your journey - I feel honoured to be able to follow it❤️”

Lockdown, AwarenessLiz