The holiday season


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. This week’s question is:

“How is your child with Down’s syndrome reacting to the holiday season?”

I think Coraline’s just going with the flow, and loving all the family and friends who are around.

In terms of our reaction as her parents? Appreciation! We love the Christmas parties of the organisations involved in our lives.

We took her to two on Saturday; Portage (home-based early intervention through play) followed by P.S.D.S. (charity for children with Down’s syndrome). It just reminds you what amazing people you’re surrounded by, and the effort they go to to host the parties.

Plus it reminds me each year of Coraline’s first Christmas when she couldn’t go to any of the parties, though we got letters about them in the post. This was because she couldn’t get ill before her heart operation. So when you can just go along with abandon it makes you really appreciate it.

Also this is a special year as she’ll be in her first Christmas performance. It’s a ten minute song at her preschool tomorrow. Coraline doesn’t yet sing, but I bet she’ll be swaying. Can’t wait!

(photo by us at Coraline’s Prima magazine phtoshoot before she got dressed up)

See what others have said here #hohoholidays