A small nap for Coraline this morning in her new downstairs cot, after some extensive rolling on her activity mat on the floor. We had our first visit from Portage last week (a pre school home visiting educational service for children who have a delay in development, or particular conditions). It’s free, not statutory and offered to parents in those categories to choose if they’d like it. We say yes please!!
Coraline will have her own portage worker from early next year until age three who will come fortnightly to our house. They set objectives for play, behaviour, motor skills etc. and partner with speech language and occupational therapists. The ebullient lady who came suggested we get a “see through” cot for Coraline downstairs as she is so alert she felt Coraline would like to see what’s going on! Coraline loves it so much and settles really well after looking around everywhere. The lady brought materials for Coraline to play with too. We are so lucky to have such amazing people about!
Post roll - nine weeks old
Coraline had her hip scan at the end of September at the hospital as she was in the breech position during pregnancy. We were delighted to hear all looked good. She also had her appointment with her Paediatric Cardiologist in mid-October at nine weeks old, who said she is doing "very nicely". So they said they will keep checking her monthly. She can keep growing bigger and stronger before her heart operation which is likely to be next year now. She was good as gold throughout and did about four rolls in the morning before we set off. Since seven weeks old she has been rolling from her back to her front!
Yesterday at 11 weeks old she rolled for the first time from her front to her back. We saw Coraline’s adored Consultant Paediatrician yesterday (more on this later) at an impromptu trip to the hospital and she snuck in a roll for him at the last minute. He declared himself stunned!
Coraline with a selection of her new toys from portage which include a sea anemone style thing, dangling mirrors and a shower loofah. It’s all about textures. Love that she is holding the beads!