Things things Coraline is up to, aged two and one week
1. Bashing toys together
2. Really into her Iggle Piggle toy, pointing at books, crawling through tunnels in the park and at home
3. Crawling speedily, and pulling herself up to things
4. Growing two new bottom teeth which are just peeping through, to join her four molars.
5. About to begin two mornings at pre-school up the road in September!
6. Going to Madrid for the wedding of a lovely couple in our amazing @noobiesclasses antenatal group
7. Enjoying summer holidays, and little trips. Instilling a love of travel in her!
8. Adoring Mondays and Fridays with our neighbour Margaret! Getting excited as I hold her outside their front door
9. Babbling - saying "dddd", "bbbb" and "gggg" sounds. She is just beginning to form her very first try at a Makaton sign - the sign for “dad” (which I do each night when Kevin gets home). She points her two fingers together to have a go at it.
10. Sleeping well, and fine dining