Best pram we have found


Shropshire, visiting my dad, April 2022


This week’s blogging question, “What kind of pram do you use for Coraline?”

A @mountain_buggy swift. It’s thirteen years old and used to belong to Coraline’s cousins. Kevin takes it all terrain, all gradients! It is epic! She’s a bit big for it but still fits and we make it work as it’s so good for all terrain. Seen here visiting my dad in the Shropshire Hills.

Coraline is doing 10-20 steps indoors or in the garden but is not yet walking e.g. in towns or on countryside walks. She will be 5 years old in August.

We also have an Excel Elise buggy (very similar to a MacLaren Major), suitable for children up to 50kg. Coraline’s Physiotherapist at the time referred us for one when Coraline was 3 years old. We have one on loan for free from wheelchair services and it transferred with us when we moved. But it doesn’t do the Shropshire Hills as its wheels are small so it’s best for trips around town! Photo of it in stories.

Attitude, DevelopmentLiz