Dream future photograph
This week’s blogging question: “What is your dream photograph of the future? i.e. a moment you wish to be fulfilled or for Coraline to experience?”
This question immediately made me think of a quote a friend told me recently. It is from Glennon Doyle in her book, “Untamed”: “What is the truest, most beautiful story about your life you can imagine?” She writes it in the chapter “Imagine”.
The truest most beautiful story about our lives I can imagine would be captured in the photo I will describe below. The photo is inside the shop we are planning to open, “Coraline Skincare and giftware” in our new town. We have this shop. This is true. We plan to open it in October. Now to the imagination.
It is open, we sell our own, and friends’, handmade products; these products weave connections and change lives. We help people with sensitive skin with our products. Our shop becomes known as a place to gather for meditation and talks. The talks are from people who have faced challenges and risen high. My book is on the shelves. I found my publisher quickly and easily. The shop encourages us all to “live happily in our own skin”. I am not in a place of comparison. I am in a place of celebrating us all for who we are. Coraline sits in the front row at these talks. The photo captures her laughing, looking at her father with pure love. He who began this whole dream. And I am in the corner of the photograph looking on with pure love at them and all those around us.
Glennon Doyle writes towards the end of the chapter, “Let’s look at what we’ve written and decide that these are not pipe dreams; these are our marching orders”.
Whilst Coraline was at our old neighbours Margaret and Dave’s at the end of August, we explored our beautiful new surrounds.
This is at the pub across the estuary from our house on 2nd September
3rd September: My first swim since moving to Devon. Shoalstone Seawater Pool. Beautiful…and freezing!
Dartmoor, 11th September 2021