Sweetest thing

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Monday blogging question, “What is one of the sweetest things Coraline is currently doing?”

I love how Coraline’s communication is leaping along. She is not yet talking but she’s really expressing herself.

When she watches T.V. we put the remote control beside her. If she likes the show she throws the remote control onto the floor. If she doesn’t like the show, she hands the remote control back to us, and keeps handing it to us, until we get the right show. Then she throws the control onto the floor. She is so lost in the moment when she watches TV, bouncing up and down on the sofa.

Another thing I love is that she now goes and gets her shoes, or sits by the front door, when she wants to go out. She has even brought me my shoes recently, and the rucksack we always take out with her things in it. She does all this crawling, pushing them along.

I absolutely love her showing us what she wants in her own ways.