Back at preschool


Coraline went back to preschool today after two and a half weeks of Easter holidays.

We saw her 1-to-1 on the walk in, and she stopped to say hi. Coraline smiled when she saw her, and also smiled in the queue outside for preschool and that was really meaningful that she did so. It was brilliant to see she was excited to be back. She was so tired this afternoon.

We felt so good about this as we had mostly just been at home or on walks during the Easter holidays and we were so keen for her to have variation and fun. I had been taking Coraline for walks with friends in the holidays but she didn’t seem too content during them. Maybe as it was unpredictable (we headed out at different times and met different people and she did not understand where we were going). Coraline doesn’t like playgrounds as she doesn’t like moving things like swings. Preschool is her routine, and she knows where she’s going when we get there. Photo from our walk yesterday).