Pure love


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s is:

“If you could take Coraline’s special educational needs away, would you?”

Of course as a parent you think about these things. But I’ve realised there’s a different way to look at this, and it’s a beautiful understanding to have come to. That understanding is:

I actually don’t think this is up to me.

I have been reading an amazing book recently by Anita Moorjani called, “Dying to be Me” (thank you for recommending it @nadiathesalon). She writes about her near death experience after having cancer where she goes to a place of pure unconditional love beyond anything she’s ever known. She says that this is the place we have all come from, and are going to. Her message is that we are all created by pure love as beings of unconditional love, and it is our role to love ourselves fully.

She says the message from this place is that we all have a purpose and to all be who we are and know our greatness. I am paraphrasing, but this is what I have taken from the book.

Here’s a quote from the book on the message she received from her near death experience, “Every aspect of you is perfect. There’s nothing to let go, nothing to forgive, nothing to attain. You already are everything you need to be.” She says later, “love yourself unconditionally and be yourself fearlessly! This is the most important lesson I learned”.

So what is up to me is to know Coraline is an expression of unconditional love, as we all are. What is up to me is to love her unconditionally, and for her to be exactly who she is, as for each of us.

To see what others have answered see:

#raisinglittleworldchangers #downsyndrome #anitamoorjani