Top 10 feel good: 6: Time for myself, 7: Fun


Next on my list of things which keep me feeling good and positive at the moment:

6. Time for myself! Kev and I have a routine in the week where he takes Coraline in the pram for his one walk a day and plays with her in the morning and I have two hours to do the things on my list! Then he hangs out with her again after 4.30pm and I have “me” time doing things I love, which is just as important as my list in the morning. We also come together at moments through the day. At the weekends we have quality time all together as a family.

7. Fun! Speaking of weekends, they are appetiser and apperitif time! I love this weekly routine of how we divide up our weekdays and then the relaxed weekends. It means you look forward to them. Pizza and boggle and movies and our one walk of the day all together.

Photo of me and Coraline this afternoon excited about the weekend #fun

Lockdown, AttitudeLiz