Present in the moment


Being present in the moment. How I understand it.

I remember how I understood it. It was when Coraline and I were in a train carriage going to my mum’s last month.

This was me not present in the moment in that carriage, with these thoughts going round: “I should have realised there was an earlier train then I wouldn’t have kept Coraline cold on the platform for half an hour. The train actually pulled in whilst we were stood there. How come I didn’t check the screen to see? She could have had lunch in the waiting room at our next stop, instead of me feeding her here on the train due to our tight connection time now. It’s hard feeding her here as there are so many people around. I wonder if the other train had less people. Can I carry all our stuff, will we make our connection...” etc. etc.

Then I thought, whilst holding her tray of food for her to eat in front of her, what if I just accepted we are on this train. We caught this train. This one. We are here. Now. And I looked out the window and around our carriage. I felt this massive ease, and peace and freedom from any thoughts. I just felt lightness with where we were as I was present with it not wondering what might have been.

That lightness, to me, showed me why there’s so much talk about being present in the moment.


Attitude, ValuesLiz