Pregnancy scans - Pregnancy, post 2 of 8
Photo of us this weekend, Coraline aged 19 months.
Writing a diary to Coraline during my pregnancy.
We had a 2017 Diary called “Every day Matters: A year of inspiration for the mind, body and spirit,” for Coraline where we wrote little comments to let her know what we’d been up to, or quotes from people. We stuck in photos too. I thought Coraline would love to read this in future. Coraline was due on 19 August 2017.
16 week appointment
I wrote things to Coraline like in March 2017, “16-week appointment with the midwife. All going well. We heard your heartbeat and she said you were strong”. Strong is a word we heard a lot when I was pregnant with Coraline. That was her little character.
I do remember thinking a lot about parenthood and wondering what it would be like, and if I could do it whilst I was pregnant.
20 week scan
At the end of March we went in for our 20-week scan and found out we were expecting a girl. Kevin had written in her book the day before, “We are going to see if you will be a boy or a girl – either way we are going to love you more than anything. Can’t wait to meet you. Papa”.
Kevin had this crazy thing about wanting to be known as Papa (which he is!). #pregnancydiary #strong #papa