The right place at the right time
"No matter where you are in life, no matter what you go through, you are in the right place at the right time. The Universe is taking care of you"
I love this photo taken in the Spring last year in L.A. on a hike in Griffith Park to the Wisdom Tree. At the top people leave notes under rocks by the tree. You continue on the walk to stand under the majesty of the letters of the Hollywood sign in the Hollywood heat. This was on one of my yearly trips to L.A. to visit my brother who lived there for three years. This photo is now framed in our bathroom.
Sitting here these days thinking how beautiful our newborn daughter is, and how lucky we are to have her, I do believe personally that whatever paths we choose in life, they are all criss-crossing to take us to moments we are meant to have. I remember not so long ago, not getting a promotion at work, but coming close, and a friend at work saying she believed things happen for a reason and maybe this was not my path. And if I think about it, had I got the promotion, would I have had as relaxed and happy a pregnancy as I did have as it meant I remained with the backdrop of my calm job that I loved and was inspired by? My chilled out pregnancy has no doubt stood Coraline in good stead. And were things perhaps leading to where I am now which is an unexpected path. I think perhaps sometimes even if we are not sure why we are where we are, it's all leading us somewhere and creating necessary experiences for us.
Right now is a time I am very sure I am exactly where I am meant to be. And hands appear to guide you along the way, such as now for me in the form of all the people writing to me and sharing insights, contacts and warmth which is so exciting. I feel a connectedness on a deeper level to the world at the moment, which is a rare gift.